Save the Date Pro-life Advocates/REPROTECTION IN BREIF

Save the Date Pro-life Advocates! You are invited to the first REPROTECTION IN BRIEF WEBINAR. Missy Martinez-Stone, Reprotection CEO, will be sharing Reprotection’s mission, strategy, and how you can help close the abortion business. March 16, 2022, at 6:30 EST. Please click here to register.


Kentucky’s Omnibus Pro-Life Bill Heavily Influenced by the Work of Reprotection

Pro-life lawmakers in Kentucky are hard at work advancing a pro-life omnibus bill known as House Bill 3, or, more colloquially, “The Humanity in Healthcare Act.” This sweeping measure addresses limits and safety requirements concerning chemical abortion, parental consent (i.e. abortions sold to minors), proper disposal of the remains of aborted babies, abortion reporting, and


Planned Parenthood lease is terminated in New York Medical Park

Reprotection was recently approached by pro-life community members in New York requesting information on the impact of abortion facilities on communities to include in a lawsuit focused on the city’s approval process. Reprotection advised inclusion of wastewater regulations and the impact on the city’s water supply and provided information about EPA regulations. Today, Reprotection that


How Kentucky’s Attorney General Could Transform the Enforcement of Pro-Life Laws

In October, the Supreme Court heard an abortion case that didn’t receive much attention in the shadow of Texas’s Heartbeat Act. The case is Cameron v. EMW Women’s Surgical Center. And it centers around the pro-life Attorney General for Kentucky, Daniel Cameron, as he fights for the right to defend an existing state law banning


Illinois is Terrifyingly Close to Repealing This Common Sense Law that Protects Abused Girls

Illinois is one of a handful of wildly abortion-friendly U.S. states. And, as of Tuesday, October 26th, the state’s legislature has taken yet another step to make it even worse. Local news reported: “The Illinois Senate voted Tuesday to repeal a law requiring that parents or guardians be notified when girls younger than 18 are


Reprotection: Behind the Scenes

Updated: Mar 17 Reprotection exists, in short, to expose abortion businesses that are breaking laws and ensure they are held accountable. Doing so is a big job, and our success (i.e. multiple facilities closed) has been found thanks to careful strategizing. Though a fairly new organization in the pro-life movement, Reprotection brings with it the decades


Florida Needs to Investigate These Allegations Against Its Abortion Facilities

Florida, despite having a pro-life governor, has a problem with dangerous abortion facilities running amok. Reprotection has been hard at work for months trying to bring FOUR serious allegations of unsafe practices at Florida abortion facilities to the attention of regulatory entities (namely, the Agency for Healthcare Administration (AHCA)) to no avail. Click here to


Reprotection Proud to Work Towards “Abortion Free Cities”

Starting this fall, a groundbreaking effort to abolish abortion at the community level is coming to a town near you. The project is called The Campaign for Abortion Free Cities, and Reprotection is pleased to be a part of it. Spearheaded by Students for Life of America, the campaign seeks to literally abolish abortion city


This Indiana Abortion Business is Really Pushing Its Luck

Planned Parenthood isn’t the only business that takes the cash of vulnerable women to earn their millions (though they certainly have a monopoly on abortion). America’s standalone abortion businesses are also a prevalent reality, including national chains like Whole Woman’s Health (WWH). This chain in particular doesn’t seem to be afraid of a scandal. WWH


BREAKING NEWS: Florida Abortion Business Closed For Good After Reprotection Investigation

After over a year of investigating and working with local health officials, Reprotection is excited to announce that Venice Women’s Health Center in Port Charlotte, Florida will officially close tomorrow, September 3, 2021. Reprotection was first approached by faithful Sidewalk Counselors in the Port Charlotte area after they personally witnessed abortionist Ali Azima endangering multiple