Our Mission

Center for Client Safety investigates, reports, and shuts down abortion businesses to protect vulnerable women and children from harm.

Our Vision

Every abortion business is shut down. 

Holding Abortion Facilities Accountable

The Center for Client Safety team strategically aligns with pro-life advocates in local communities to investigate and shut down dangerous abortion providers. Through targeted enforcement and relentless follow-up, we will make every community abortion-free.

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the regulation of abortion facilities lies completely in the hands of individual states. Certain states now ban abortion completely, while others are known as “abortion sanctuaries.”

In states allowing abortion, we must keep watch on parental notification and informed consent laws, building codes, health standards, and abortion provider credentials.

We are aware that abortion facilities are notorious for ignoring the law or interpreting it loosely. The absence of accountability creates a hotbed for seedy abortion businesses to take advantage of women who are scared and vulnerable.

Our trauma-informed researchers take these reports and find out exactly what laws were broken by the abortion facility and what is the most effective way forward.

Training Pro-Life Advocates

If you are a sidewalk advocate or involved with a pregnancy center, you are on the front lines.

We provide pro-life advocacy training on how to identify if an abortion facility has wronged a client you are serving, and how to document and report the violations appropriately.

Rest assured, we are committed to safeguarding the health and privacy of women harmed by the abortion industry. When you and your team identify, document, and report violations to Center for Client Safety, we ensure they are acted upon effectively, with your client’s well-being always prioritized and protected.

Our Work Is Needed More Than Ever

The overturning of Roe v. Wade is just the beginning of the work ahead of us. At this very moment, Center for Client Safety has the capacity to focus on 15-20 cases.

Putting our full force behind each investigation requires financial support. If you want to be a part of what we are doing, please DONATE. Consider making a one-time or, better yet, monthly donation.

If you have information, REPORT A VIOLATION. Together, we will make every community abortion-free.