Our Trusted Partners In Ensuring Accountability and Protecting Life.

The Center for Client Safety’s Inner Circle is a passionate group of individuals who strongly believe in our mission and are committed to ensuring steady funding for our organization. As part of our core team, Inner Circle members receive confidential updates on our work, insider knowledge on ongoing cases, the opportunity to advise our team in annual strategy meetings, and more.

Our Advocates ($10-$99 per month) receive personal monthly updates, invitations to confidential updates, and an exclusive Inner Circle sticker.

Our Champions ($100-$249 per month) receive the above, plus a free bag of Seven Weeks Coffee.

Our Visionaries – ($250 or more per month, one-time gifts of $5,000 or more per year, and/or a legacy gift in any amount*) receive all the above, plus an invitation to an exclusive annual strategy meeting with CCS leadership.

“We are protecting vulnerable women and preborn children by shutting down dangerous abortion businesses. And CCS’s Inner Circle is the driving force behind our innovative and lifesaving strategies.”

Missy Martinez-Stone
President & CEO

Thanks to our Inner Circle, the Center for Client Safety has:

  • Permanently shut down 2 abortion facilities
  • Successfully prevented the opening of 2 abortion facilities
  • Stopped 3 abortionists from practicing
  • Secured fines and disciplinary actions against 3 abortion businesses

In 2023, our Investigations Department handled a total of 25 cases across 25 states. 

Our Inner Circle funded the work required for: 

  • 371 personalized strategic consultations with dedicated local pro-life advocates
  • 5,407 pages of documentation be meticulously studied
  • 71 requests for records crucial to our investigations
  • 1,500 collective hours researching cases, identifying violations, and devising effective strategies
  • 39 formal complaint submissions addressing unethical or illegal practices at abortion businesses
  • 79 subsequent appeals, proving our unwavering commitment to seeing investigations through to the end