Centered podcast

Unifying conversation on the divisive subject of abortion.

Hosted by Missy Martinez-Stone, President and CEO of the Center for Client Safety

When Missy was looking at the state of the pro-life movement and the broader sense of the nation, it became clear to her that people are desperately looking for connections and respectful conversation. This was evident in her own personal conversations with people within and outside of the pro-life movement. She observed a growing distaste for the demonization of those with differing opinions on abortion and a desire for reasonable, empathetic, and nuanced conversations.

Recognizing the increasing division in the nation, she aimed to take the theme of bridge building and continue it into her podcast by creating space for humans to have conversations with other humans. Missy sought to avoid philosophical or news pundit perspectives and instead wanted to offer a platform for regular people trying to navigate the complicated subject of abortion, acknowledging the strong emotions and pain associated with it.

Looking ahead, she was excited about the potential for meaningful conversations and challenging discussions on her podcast, hoping that her audience would share her excitement.

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