Centered, the official podcast of The Center for Client Safety

Where can I hear Centered?

Anywhere you get your podcasts — Spotify, Apple Podcasts, you name it!

Why should I listen to Centered?

Because it’s unlike any other pro-life podcast! When deciding to start this podcast, CCS President & CEO Missy Martinez-Stone wanted to meet the tangible need for unifying conversations:

“It became clear to me that people are desperately looking for connections and respectful conversation…There’s a growing distaste for the villainization of those who don’t agree with us on every single thing and reducing people’s lives and experiences to their views on abortion…As the nation gets more and more divided, there are more and more people who find themselves somewhere in the middle – in the center – looking for others who can have reasonable, empathetic, and nuanced conversations. Because that’s where hearts change.

What can I expect to hear on Centered?

Incredible, unique, pro-life content! Interviews with pro-life leaders about building authentic connections with those around you and strengthening relationships despite our differences. 

Guests include:

  • Anton Krecic, founder of Seven Weeks Coffee,
  • Alison Centofante, founder of Centofante Strategies and former communications professional with Live Action, the Alliance Defending Freedom, and Concerned Women for America,
  • Michael Kenney, author, producer, attorney, and President of the Pro-Life Partners Foundation,
  • Leah Jacobson, CEO of The Guiding Star Project and author of Wholistic Feminism, Healing the Identity Crisis Caused by the Women’s Movement,
  • Christine Smith, CCS Vice President of Investigations,
  • And more!

How often are new episodes of Centered released?

New episodes are released every other week on Friday, so be sure to subscribe to Centered on your favorite podcast platform. (Or listen right here!) 

Centered is where you will find thoughtful, empathetic discussions on the abortion issue.

Listen and subscribe to Centered wherever you get your podcasts TODAY!
Centered will help provide you with the tools you need to reasonably, rationally, and compassionately discuss the issue of abortion. Listen today!