Join Us in Protecting Vulnerable Lives.

Every day, stories like Sarah’s are reported to us – tales of vulnerable women suffering physical and emotional harm at the hands of abortion clinics and negligent doctors.

The Center for Client Safety is a beacon of hope.

We’re not just another pro-life organization. We’re pioneering a new approach – collaborating with local pro-life communities, investigating dangerous abortion businesses, and responsibly reporting the truth to authorities in strategic but sensitive ways.

Imagine the impact if these clinics faced the consequences they deserve – even closure – if authorities were truly aware of what’s happening behind their doors. That’s where we come in.

Our new approach is working. It is saving the lives of preborn babies and their mothers.

With your support, we can continue our vital work of protecting life, and ensure those who seek to harm vulnerable women and children are held accountable. 

Please Act Now.

Your donation could be the turning point for someone like Sarah. Together, we can ensure accountability and protect life. 

Donate now and join us in our mission today!